Friday, 24 April 2009

How To Achieve Powerseller Status on Ebay

I have been researching for resources to help you become a powerseller on ebay.

Below is a link to an auction tips site offering the information you require to learn how to become an ebay powerseller: it's powersellers who have the biggest feedback numbers and therefore the highest earnings on ebay. So learn the secrets to becoming a successful ebay powerseller today!

Bear in mind that ebay's policy regarding the sale of ebooks has changed since this article, but there's no reason why you can't achieve the sales volume you need using books or any item of mass interest that you can source easily.

A further product that caught my eye is this book by Nick Marks on achieving ebay powerseller status within 90 days. He has contacted over 50 of the most successful ebay powersellers and learned the secrets of their succes which he has then created into an easy to follow guide for you. He also includes many details of wholesalers and dropshippers worldwide to help you reach the hallowed Holy Grail! I highly recommend this guide:

So there you go, two quality resources for you to learn how to achieve powerseller staus on ebay!

Now did you see the book I pictured at the top of this post? It is an all action packed guide written for you by John Thornhill of planetsms and believe me, this guy knows something about pwerselling on ebay! So do click on this link and check in to see what Mr Thornhill can teach you about ebay powerselling! From the original ebook marketing guru himself!

Click Here To Discover The Power And Wealth of Creating Your Own Auction Profit Streams Today!

Good luck with your successful online home business!


Start A Free Online Business Today! Click Here!!!
Write Your Way To Wealth in 2009!

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Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Make a New Start in Online Business for Spring 2009!

It's time for a spring clean! Here in the South East of UK we have been enjoying some glorious sunny days with myriads of daffodils to cheer the way and big bright blue skies! A new feeling of freedom and independence after the claustrophobia of drab winter days and low grey skies...

So what better than to start a new online business? I am about to refresh my tired old ebay business and look to supply something desirable at a great price on a regular basis to a new database of happy customers. Meanwhile I am also looking to start up new blogs on a range of subjects from online gaming to sales training!

And lucky me, I have landed a new sales job with a prestigious UK company, so this will keep me focussed and earning but I will also have free time to develop what I earn online.

Today is the first day I go out and give the sales presentation on my own, so I am just about to do the prep for that, including shining up my tired old attache case!

Good luck with all your ventures this spring and I'll be back to chat soon! Wish me luck too!

Cheers, amigos!
Start A Free Online Business Today! Click Here!!!
Write Your Way To Wealth in 2009!

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Sunday, 8 March 2009

How To Make Money Online Fast!

Do You Have What It Takes To Build Your Own Online Income Streams?

Obviously I want to say YES! Yes, you do!

Well, what do you really require? You need to be able to access the internet several times a week ideally but everyone is in reach of a home connection, a friend with a home connection, an internet cafe, or have you considered mobile broadband? There are some fantastic deals out there for £20-£40 per month on a 12-24 month contract where you pay for so much mobile broadband access and receive a laptop free! Or you can buy a pay-as-you-go package from Currys for around £70.

You need time and focus. Not a lot of time perhaps, but a definite focus. Try selling your unwanted items on ebay first to get a feel for online trading and customer service. Next choose a subject dear to your heart and start a blog on it! Create 1 or 2 short simple posts every week and aim to get some visitors to your blog.

Start small, build up. Try dropshipping as a great hands-free business you can run from auction sites and your own ready-to-go website. These cost very little outlay, do all the work for you! Ask in home business forums how people are earning online. Search the engines for businesses you can promote. These range from network marketing online to affiliate marketing with a great company like

Determine to search until you find an opportunity that appeals to you: then stick with it, decide to give it your all for the next 6 months, ask for advice, be innovative, comment on blogs about your success, find out how to drive more regular visitors and potential buyers to your website.
If you want to free yourself from the daily grind of sitting in traffic a year from now, if you have internet access, if you have a little start-up cash and lots of determined perseverence then YES! You have what it takes! So don't be distracted, make a start today. I began with selling books on ebay then promoting clickbank products. Check out or and today.

Get yourself a free blog from - these all explain just what you need to do. Grab some revenue with an account at and start writing today!

Video yourself promoting your online businesses and post your video on - you never know who might be watching! Avoid spending sums on banner advertising in your early stages - most traffic can be encouraged to your site for free, especially in the age of social media: web 2.0. If you don't understand anything online just do a google search for that term and you will have a world of information at your finger tips.

Determine to begin creating your own unique info products as soon as possible. Market your product at clickbank. Create some banners and email marketing for your affiliates. Read ezines and email successful online entrepreneurs for details of the secrets to their success: you could even repackage these tips as your very first ebook and sell that! Let the word spread. Have opinions to air. Become an expert in one niche area. Connect to other like experts. Start a subscription website. Buy and sell websites and domains on ebay.

You can do it. Just start asking and seeking and choose a project and get into it. And create a blog detailing how you are getting on. Make it easy for people to find you and what you sell. Be courteous. Be innovative.

I especially want to recommend Dave Gale's excellent information on how to start a great online business for free. You'll be surprised how easy it is, but like all great yet simple ideas you need focus and perseverence. Try it today: there's a 2 month full money back guarantee on this so everyone's a winner! Go for it! Start A Free Online Business - To Find Out How, Click Here!

If you have any favourite tips you want to share about building an online business of any kind please comment below. Thanks!

Start A Free Online Business Today! Click Here!!!
Write Your Way To Wealth in 2009!

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Thursday, 29 January 2009

7 Secrets To Having All The Creative Ideas You'll Ever Need

Do you feel your creativity is hindered through a lack of good ideas to develop? Or maybe you have no problem coming up with ideas, it's knowing which ones to choose and how to then develop them that's the problem?

Here are 7 powerful secrets to having, and developing, all the creative ideas you'll ever need:

1. Believing you can have great ideas. It all begins with believing you're capable of having great ideas. Deeper than this, it comes down to believing you're creative. Many of us have doubts at a fundamental level that we're even creative at all, and with these shaky foundations, anything we try to build on top is liable to come crashing down.
A powerful way to boost your belief is to look back at some of the creative projects you've done in the past, some of your proudest moments. Once you start thinking, and writing down some of the things you've created you soon realise not only that you've created more than you realised, but that you've come up with some brilliant ideas along the way. All this will help remind you how creative you can be and bolster the underlying beliefs that you (yes YOU!) are a highly creative person.

2. Opening your senses. Our connection to the world around us comes through our five senses. Everything that gives us inspiration and happiness and ideas, comes initially through one of our senses of sight, smell, sound, taste or touch. It follows then, that if our senses are dulled and operating as if our heads are stuck in a deep sea divers helmet - full of water - that we're not going to experience all the possible inspiration around us.
One excellent technique here is to simply reconnect with each of your senses in turn. You can start right now. Stop for a moment and think about your sight for example. What can you see all around you? Now look again. What inspiration and detail is there around you that you normally overlook and dismiss? Do the same for each of your five senses, and absorb the amazing amount of potential stimulation around you.

3. Capturing ideas part one - the classic mistake. So now you're open to ideas and believe you can be creative, the next step is to start recording your ideas. The classic mistake most of us make is thinking we never have any ideas, when the reality is we just don't capture them. How many times have you had a great idea in the shower or while driving your car and thought you'd remember it and develop it later. Then later comes and goes and it's not until days later you have a sudden recollection of having that great idea. You know you had it, but can you remember any of the details!
Unfortunately, each experience you have like this confirms your belief that you never have any ideas. So each time it happens you close your senses and your beliefs down a little more, making it less likely for you to be open to ideas in the future. So what's the answer? Capture your ideas as soon as they come. Here's how...

4. Capturing ideas part two - full intensity. First, get yourself something to record your ideas with - a notebook, camera or voice recorder for example - and keep it with you wherever you go. This is obviously key to you being able to capture your ideas. The best way is then to record the idea as soon as it comes to you, as fully as you can.
Say you have an idea for a story about a girl with a magic cape who can disappear just by wearing the cape and blinking her eyes twice. Capture the most vibrant and important elements of the idea, don't try to write the whole story. You want to be able to return to this idea and it explode off the page, and you feel the same enthusiasm as that first moment it came to you. With practice you'll find this easier and easier.

5. More ideas = more ideas. This is one of the best kept secrets about having ideas, that you don't fully appreciate or believe until you start to have and capture them on a regular basis. By doing all of the above so far, you'll start to build a collection of great ideas to develop. What you'll then realise is more and more ideas come, in two main ways.
Firstly, by recording your ideas, it's almost as if these ideas send a subliminal message to the deep source of creativity within you, telling more and more to come forth, because you've been so welcoming to those who have ventured to the surface. Secondly, just by capturing ideas, you give them permission to evolve on their own, while you're off doing other things. When you return, you'll find that as soon as you rediscover certain ideas, others connected ones will naturally spring to mind that you didn't consider originally.

6. Choosing ideas to develop. Even with a notebook bulging with ideas, a lot of us stumble at the next point, how to actually develop those ideas into creative projects. The main mistake we make is to try to work through our ideas one by one, in the exact same order that we captured them. This simply doesn't work because some ideas are better, more exciting, more inspiring than others.
So instead, scan through a few ideas, until you find one that really excites you, that makes you feel you have to get creating right away. Take this idea and, well, get creating right away! Don't then continue to flick through your ideas, just in case you find another one that you're ever so slightly more inspired by. If you do, you'll end up spending the rest of your life stuck in this infinite loop of trying to choose the perfect idea, and never actually create anything!

7. Focus. Once you've chosen your one idea to work on, close your notebook, or put away your camera or voice recorder and give your idea the full focus and creativity it deserves. The aim here is to follow the natural creative flow, as well as eliminating as much distraction as possible.
Remember this powerful truth: You'll have more ideas in your lifetime than you'll ever be able to develop. So instead of getting anxious and overwhelmed and starting a dozen new projects at once, give your one chosen idea a commitment of time and creative energy to develop it the best you can. Wouldn't you rather look back at the end of year and see a handful of brilliant and fully realised creative projects, than a sea of barely started half ideas, none of which have really gone anywhere?

Any of these 7 secrets is of great value in its own right. Use them step by step in the combination above and you have an incredibly powerful technique for having and developing the best creative ideas you possibly can.

So, off you go and let those ideas start flowing...
Ready to be more creative? Then sign up to "Create Create!" - Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin's free twice monthly ezine - today, and get your free copy of the "Explode Your Creativity!" Action Workbook. Just head over to
Article Source:

Thanks for reading and all the best with your wealth creation for 2009! If you have any great ideas for creating extra income just add a comment here.

Louise aka Zowoco
Write Your Way To Wealth in 2009!

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Saturday, 10 January 2009

How to Turn Your Life and Finances Around in 2009 and Create Lasting Wealth Online and Offline! You can do it!

Now is the time to cast aside your Winter Blues and trust to your future!

I want to encourage YOU today to have complete faith in your ability to earn yourself a great new income for 2009 online. You may be a former F W Woolworths or MFI employee or have been made redundant from one of dozens of UK retail chain stores this January: well, don't give up, don't be despondent because with the extra time you have on your hands this January
and February YOU can start to create yourself a new home business online, on the internet, making cash at home, and yes, it is simple, it is possible and YOU CAN DO IT! And it won't cost you! In fact, you have nothing to lose but a few hours typing and all to be gained to secure your financial future anew.

How can I be so confident for you? Well, I appreciate this is a real hard time right now if you are out of work or on a low wage, because right now I am earning less than £300 a month from my piano teaching and some random takeaway delivering whilst I wait for some new year tiling contracts to blow my way!

And that is not enough money for me to live on, no way, so I know how it is for you! But I am taking the extra time I suddenly have to create a new online income that will grow and grow throughout 2009 and provide me a solid dependable lasting source of income and wealth.

So what is it I am doing? That YOU can too, right away now?

I could write you all about it here, but I want instead to direct you over to the real source of this dynamic new opportunity for YOU to cash in by creating yourself lucrative streams of online income. Read this letter and try out the product which I highly endorse: you have an 8 week money back guarantee if for any reason you are unhappy so you can't lose any money, and the price is rock bottom in any case. So here is the link to the most powerful yet simple to activate information YOU are going to need in 2009 to build your wealth longterm and provide yourself and your family a really excellent lifestyle. Sure, I have other cash generating formulas I will be sharing this month, so watch this blog, but today I want to recommend the ONE sure way to create lasting online wealth very cheaply.

Click Here! If you seriously want to create yourself a serious online income blogging in 2009!

Well, everyone can cash in after Christmas by selling a few unwanted presents and spare bits and pieces from around the home, and whilst this will not make you rich, nor create a lasting income source, it is the surest quickest method to generate a few £100's you can use to set up a small business for yourself, whether online or in the real world! Try your local ad rags, bring and buy sales, or best of all, sell your stuff on ebay!
It is fast and easy and if you are an avid collector in any specialist niches such as antiques, postcards, retro, comics, memorabilia, teapots or seventies toys etc, then this will prove a regular gold mine for you as I have found it very easy to buy cheaply in bulk and then split the lot up and resell at a good profit on ebay's auctions. I have sold children's books, shoes, antiques, collectibles, and toys. Go to ebay's community and look me up under "zowoco" to read my ebay marketing feedback of near 600. I will be launching a new ebay venture under a new pseudonym in 2009, selling new items. I can only say, there is no excuse for anyone not to make a few hundred quid selling things on ebay! Start putting together the household items you no longer use, books you never read, collectibles you no longer want, old records and CDs and you'll soon have a fine collection to auction! Go one step further and make a steady stream of income for yourself by buying items from your local free ads press and auctioning these online. All grist to the mill!

Takeaway shops from pizza to kebabs, Chinese to Indian, are seeking delivery drivers right now. As soon as I relocated to Bexhill-on-Sea I walked round the town centre and outlying areas and gave my name and mobile number to all the takeaway shops. Every week I have been delivering for various shops and still I have outlets I have not previously driven for ringing me from a little effort I expended six months ago. It's not glamourous, and you won't make more than around £30 for 4 hours work, but it fills my car with petrol to allow me the freedom during the week to go wherever I please to market my tiling, give quotes, and go out to meet people to teach piano.

In this slow economic meltdown crisis I suggest you put eggs in many baskets and source your weekly income from different sources as well as building yourself a real longterm income stream online. Wash cars, iron, walk dogs, put up shelves by all means: every £20 note is insurance against poverty! Do you know something you could teach others? Music, a language, chess, cooking, knitting, basket weaving, photography, watercolouring, golf, horse riding, surfing, internet, car mechanics? Chances are, whatever you know or enjoy as your hobby, there is someone out there wanting to learn! Surprise yourself: risk a little cash advertising in your local paper, a magazine, shop windows, a relevant shop, a church/community notice board, even online. Take on some students at say £30-£40 per hour or even run a class in the evenings! Five people paying £20 for a shared hour is £100 to you minus any costs which will be minimal. Slimming World is looking for consultants nationwide to run classes and I'm sure a great many other organisations are also.

Take time out to write down your skills, interests, work experience. How can you change things around for yourself? Focus on your hobby: if you enjoy gardening could you garden or consult or design landscapes? Or work part time at your local garden centre? Could you maybe get a sales rep job for a garden tools company or seed manufacturer? See yourself filling new opportunities and step out of the rut! You like reading? Could you sell books part time? Or write articles or short stories for magazines? Try it and see!

If you would like to earn a very good income this year by writing then I highly recommend you check out this link:-

Click Here! If you seriously want to create yourself a serious online income blogging in 2009!

Start to think new possibilities and have faith in yourself to communicate in new markets.
I am enjoying a week relaxing in the Peak District. I am staying in a cottage in Cromford of Arkwright Mill fame and walking on the High Peak Trail. Today was foggy but such a brilliant thick hoar frost marking out every twig and blade, a faery world of crisp white every where! I love winter days like this! I drove over to Dove Dale, just above Ashbourne (where my eldest piano pupil was born in 1917!) and bought some big fat butcher's sausages in
Tissington. My yellow ka was reluctant to negotiate a long uneven ford but with much will power we made it across the icy shallows! "Nothing ventured, nothing gain" said I, and the sheep looked up in disbelief!

I have entered X Factor online (you can too, it's easy, just google search for X Factor entry form). That is a little unnerving: can I really sing? Can I sing and make a good impression? Who knows! Watch this blog space! Why don't you do something wacky for 2009? Something you have long considered but not gotten around to? Join a new club, meet new people, set yourself a new fun challenge, buy a bike maybe! Go on, try something new!

Life doesn't have to be all money, money, money. You should aim to have a lot of fun too! :)

If you have any good money making cash generating methods yourself please leave a comment to help others this new year: together we can make a difference! Links are fine too! I look forward to reading your ideas. My hottest link for 2009 is:-

Click Here! If you seriously want to create yourself a serious online income blogging in 2009!

Good Luck! Louise
Write Your Way To Wealth in 2009!

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Thursday, 8 January 2009

Happy New Year 2009! How To Surf The Recession And Make Your Fortune Online!

Here's to a great new blogging year ahead folks!

I can't believe I last posted in November! I guess Christmas got in the way for my blogging!

Well, I'm going to be studying the serious art of profitable blogging this new year, 2009, and I intend to make myself a very good income online whether it takes me 2 blogs or 2009! Last year was a new approach for me: I relocated 250 miles to a different country, learnt the trade of tiling on an intensive training course, quit ebaying, almost gave up teaching piano, and discovered blogging...oh, and made a few pennies delivering for the local Chinese takeaway!

So what does 2009 hold in store? A new job for many UK citizens! For me, diversification of my income from art projects to construction projects, and freeing up more time to successfully blog.

If you have had any success blogging for money in 2008 then leave a comment here for readers! If you have yet to make money blogging check this out:-

Click Here! If you seriously want to create yourself a serious online income blogging in 2009!

That is the best information and all you will need this year to inject serious cash into your bank account! An absolute must-have! So check out this link today. Cheers!

Click Here! Create serious cash for yourself in 2009 - find out how - just Click Here Now!

Adios, Zowoco
Zowoco Marketing

Serious to Earn $$$$$$$ blogging in 2009?

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