Friday, 16 May 2008
Success Motivation Can Inspire You For Life!
You too can motivate yourself for Success in every area of your Life! There are sixty seconds in every minute: what good is it going to do YOU to be miserable or thinking negatively in any of those sixty seconds? Train yourself to think positively in every situation and accept nothing less than total Success Mentality from Yourself!
End knee-jerk reactions! Enjoy complete control over your temper. Have fantastic relationships! Enjoy the views of people you meet without forcing your personality upon them! Learn to listen constructively. No one else is YOU, no one is much like you and thank goodness for that, eh? Just accept that people are different: they are neither good nor bad, they are just different.
Start to think in a neutral stance about everything around you and all that happens to you. It probably wasn't anyone's fault: it just happened. Something has to happen. It did. You can cope! Go for a long walk to shrug it all off, or watch a favourite comedy, or dip into a warm foamy bath! Things just happen, people are themselves: stop taking everything so personally. Why should it all affect you? Just let it ride.
Just let it ride!
Once you can take onboard the "Just Let It Ride" philosophy you are ready to start thinking positively! Be optimistic. Good things can happen. Especially if you start looking out for them! See silver linings instead of clouds. See the parts of people's personalities that please you, that are in tune with your own, that you admire. Be cheerful. Sing a bit. Life's not so bad! It's not that bad. It's not as bad as you think it is. Even if it is all bad, determine that today is going to be a little brighter! Just a shade, say!
You can make your own luck by developing a pleasing personality. Accept other people for what they are. Smile with them. Avoid the people you really don't like, or don't get on with. Be good natured and good humoured. Maybe today is quite a nice day! Maybe the people around you quite like you! Maybe you can do a little good here and there? Help someone? Listen to someone's troubles? Empathize? Other people have clouds too!
So what is Success Motivation and how can it turn YOUR LIFE around?
Develop yourself a Purpose in Life! Aim to achieve that! Decide to be a little more tolerant today in your attitude towards the people around you. Laugh a little. Sing a little. Smile. Go out of your way for someone. Buy somebody a gift. Do something unusual. And go for a walk alone to think about your strengths and weaknesses, what you want to achieve this week, what you aim to achieve this month, maybe! Get to know yourself. Decide to be. Become. Whom? What?
I like to encourage a person to feel achieved about what they have done so far in Life. I like to encourage this person to move always towards the things they want, like, what makes them feel happy, what next they want to achieve for themselves. To gain ever greater goals outside the bog-standard of feeding, clothing and housing oneself. Do you like art? Music? Nature? Travel? Join a new society and learn something new. Meet new different people. Quit shooting your mouth off or feeling angry! Or if you can't, join your local political party!
Aim to enjoy a greater life than you have now: aim to be a greater person! Someone with Vision. Someone who sees! Someone who gets things done. Enjoy more. Set aside much more time daily for yourself and your interests. Be prepared to meet people who think differently to you! Accept them, they cannot be you! Only YOU can be you! Know thyself? Be yourself!
Determine to be the person you want to be, where you want to be, with whom you want to be, doing what you enjoy, as you like it! Why else? Sixty seconds filled with good feelings is a darn fine minute! And if you feel good, I guess you are thinking positively! Less cloud, more silver lining. Accept yourself. Accept others. Let it ride. Keep calm, balanced, serene. Eat strawberries! Drink mineral water. Be cool. The world keeps turning round no matter whether you rant and rave or just stay focussed!
Create a new business with great new ethics. Step where no one has gone before. Keep in credit. Be happy - grin! Go places. Throw out your wardrobe and start again. Make wine. Get a fantastic new car. Give to your favourite charity: donate the price of a holiday and feel good about it! Make a few extra people happy this week in little caring ways. Shout at a few less. Way to go! Invest more time in yourself and determine to slowly become the person you want to be.
Choose a new direction for your work. Be content with what you have done so far. Relax!
Get a grip! No owes you. You owe no one. Start out anew. Today is going to be different. Tomorrow is going to be different. You are going to take more time out to just plain enjoy yourself. Why not? What else were you planning? List the things you like, list all that you want to achieve some day and start out right away achieving some of these! Plan that holiday, buy the art supplies, the easel, learn to dance. Learn whatever, do whatever, go whatever, AND LET IT RIDE! Be motivated. You'll soon be successful too! Hey, you already are a Success! So grin a bit!
I say go on, try this! You say you cannot. I say, what is so good now in your Life you cannot change? Just grin a bit! You see, it not so bad! You have the power to change not only your Life but everyone around you. Think positively, see the silver linings, start to be really CREATIVE in every aspect of your Life, accept things, keep serene, go for it, be YOU!
Thanks for reading, all de best!
Louise xx
Success Motivator
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Thursday, 15 May 2008
How To Boost Your Ebay Store Traffic Visitor Volume Massively!
How can you promote your store yourself outside of ebay?
Here is the post I wrote today on my ebay blog. It opens a new train of thought for me! Have a read and then I will leave you to comment and add your own ideas!
Do you want more people visiting your ebay shop? More than the numbers you get from ebay searchers only?
It is time to take control of your ebay store business and focus on driving online visitors straight from Google search and Yahoo to your store, rather than to ebay itself!
A little extra time spent on this daily will soon pay off big dividends for your profits!
The way to do it is this: go to blogger or wordpress and begin your own blog. It could be about ebaying, how to keep 100% feedback or how to source cheaper goods at wholesale, it could be funny stories of selling or a forum where ebayers exchange views! The possibilities are endless, and ebaying is a very popular subject worldwide.
The other thing is to blog about the niche market interest your store specialises in. So for example, if you sell camping equipment you could blog about campimg, campsites, routes, hiking, camping equipment, again a big list of possibilities. Talk about the products you sell on ebay and feature a product of the week.
Lead people from your blog to your ebay store. If you can provide interesting useful information on your blog then people will be glad to come and see your store. Provide a link straight to your store front from each and every post on your blog.
I bought a redirection URL to help people find my ebay store easier:
You could try this, too, and link the name into your blog name, so for instance I could have
The next thing is to take time each day to promote your blog and get traffic visitors to read it and then link to your store! I discuss this blog marketing approach in my online marketing blog called
Keep up-to-the-minute, look around, never be afraid to try anything new! You will find having a blog outside of ebay can really boost your ebay selling. Good Luck! :)
So, what do you think? Have you ever seen a blog that truth to tell, is devoted solely to promoting a blogger's ebay store items?
This is something that came to me today and I like the concept of creating a marketing blog to promote my ebay shop. I just need to find some products of international interest to stock in my ebay shop! Have a look for yourself at
You can read the original blog post there, and may I recommend you read my About Me page on eBay? Thanks! I want you to consider this and see if you too can profit more easily in this way from ebay? Great marketing success online! Cheers,
Louise (aka Zowoco)
Do you live in the US and want to set up dropshipping on your ebay?
Click Here to enjoy access to over 200,000 items you can dropship for ebay and build your own dropshipping auction business 24/7!
Do you live in the UK? Click Here to enjoy over 20,000 products you can enjoy access to in the UK to create your very own low cost dropshipping ebay shop!
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Sunday, 11 May 2008
Perception Is Reality
I was never supposed to be a speaker, author and sales trainer. I was supposed to be a ballerina.
I grew up in Pittsburgh, PA. My mother has told me that when I was a small child I would constantly turn on the radio and dance. She said I had no sense of rhythm and so she enrolled me in ballet class. That was the beginning of a first career and a great passion.
As a child I danced with Pittsburgh Ballet Theater, always one of the child guests in Act I of Nutcracker. As I grew older, it was the corps de ballet, Snowflake and Waltz of the Flowers. I was even the Sugar Plum Fairy a few times!
At age17 I moved to New York City to dance, and like every artist in the City, needed a day job. At first I waited on tables. Then I found something more lucrative and more fun—telemarketing.
An ad in “Backstage,” the trade publication we would read to look for auditions, caught my attention. It was an ad for a telemarketing company. They would hire actors because actors can read scripts. (Hiring tip: If you are looking for a part time telemarketer—hire an actor.) The job was calling high-level executives and setting new business appointments. I got the job and was really good at it. Who knew? Ballet dancers don’t even talk.
Eventually the telemarketing company started to give me all the “hard leads,” the Presidents, the CEO’s, the people who “didn’t take cold calls.” I’d call them, up, get them on the line, have a great conversation and set up the meeting. It was fun and it was easy.
Years later when I started my training and coaching business I thought that all that was necessary was to show clients a system and help them write a good script and we would be finisheddone. Imagine my surprise upon discovering all of the human and psychological barriers people face when prospecting by telephone.
That sent me back to the basics to think about not only the system and scripts but also the thought process and mind set as well. I realized something fascinating.
At the time of that initial telemarketing job, I was 19, rather naive and inexperienced in the ways of the world. I lived in a small apartment with four other dancers. I made very little money. Yet, when I would pick up the telephone to call that CEO or President, believe it or not, I felt that I was superior. I may have been calling someone who made 100 times more money, someone who lived in a wonderful house or apartment, someone whom everyone would consider to be the epitome of success, yet I felt superior because I was an artist. My belief system at the time was simply that artists are superior in every respect. It never occurred to me that prospects would be anything but delighted to speak with me.
While my mind set and beliefs about the business and corporate world, my place in it and my “superiority” have changed drastically over the years, that belief system was what enabled me to successfully pick up the telephone and speak easily with high-level executives. Perception is reality. Although my life circumstances at the time were far from ideal I didn’t view it that way.
The thoughts and beliefs that you have about yourself directly impact your ability to perform and be successful. While it is not necessary to believe yourself to be superior, as once upon a time I did, it is imperative that you see yourself and your prospects as peers and equals. If you do not, it is time to change your thought patterns. Instead of thinking about how important your prospect is, think about all of the ways that your prospects and customers need you. Think about how you help. Think about the benefits that you bring. Start to see yourself as an equal with something of value to offer. Determine that your prospects will be happy to speak and work with you. Perception becomes reality.
I close with my all time favorite quote by Henry Ford who said:
“Either you think you can or you think you can’t and either way you’re right.”
© 2005 Wendy Weiss
Wendy Weiss, “The Queen of Cold Calling & Selling Success,” is a sales trainer, author, and sales coach. Her recently released program, "Cold Calling College", and/or her book, "Cold Calling for Women", can be ordered by visiting Contact her at Get Wendy’s free e-zine at
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