Just a quickie!
I have been thinking about my long-term aims regarding what I do and what I promote, and particularly HOW I promote online, and have concluded that my ultimate strategy is to develop what I want to call "zowoco marketing"!!!
What is zowoco marketing? My own brand of marketing online!
Which is? Gradually through this blogsite I intend to research inexpensive and highly effective means to promote domains leading to affiliate promotions. High traffic volumes, to my mind, precedes all else online. If you have the 100% confidence that you can always build a huge traffic stream to any domain you set up online, how is that going to affect your business approach?
For me it means simply - at the domain gaining so many hits daily: provide an unbeatable offer your visitors will buy! A highly targeted traffic stream hits a domain you own and promote: what do they want? In any niche, the one thing they are certain to want is top quality information. So supply before they buy!
In fact, if you want to be 100% certain just exactly what your visitors want, well, you could just place a quick questionnaire thus: "Thankyou for visiting xyz site. Please help us to best help you: what do you require?" Give a multiple choice or ask "What exactly were you hoping to find on this xyz site?"
Does that sound crazy to you? But indeed it is the ultimate market research!
So I believe, you see, it matters not what your site offers, marketing on the internet is a numbers game, pure and simple. You can only ever interest, much less sell to, a percentage of your daily visitors. If that percentage is 1% then you will need more than 100 daily visitors to average one sale a day. I want more than one sale a day, I can tell you!
But I'm happy with 1% if I get 100,000 visitors to my domain daily. Because that is 1000 sales. If I clear only $20 per sale in profit, for whatever I sell, I make $20 x 1000 which is $20,000. Do you think I will be happy with $20,000 profit daily? Certainly, because I then know I have built myself a system which I can duplicate time and time again within different niches online. So the possibilities are endless!
The point about zowoco marketing is, I will be achieving all these results in the public eye, in other words, as I implement each new marketing tactic over the coming months, I will write about my progress here. And it is all FREE of charge for you! I will also be recommending products and services which I use to create these reults, and you can consider whether these might also work for you. You see, I truly believe there is room online for everyone to create residual wealth through building a successful business model.
So my aim is to introduce you to good online business models, and then to encourage you how to build these to become profitable. In other words, how to direct targeted traffic to your site once it is up and running. You can have a beautifully designed website or blog, but no hits means no sales which means no profits! And I pay my bills, buy new cars, and fill my wine cellar with PROFITS! So for me online business may be equated: huge traffic = sales = profits = success.
Huge traffic = sales = profits = success
I like to keep everything simple so I am now directing traffic here via
Let's explode our traffic volumes and create a broad yet focussed new concept online: welcome to zowoco marketing!
Lots of goodies next post!
Cheers, Louise xxx passion8adsense.com
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Saturday, 19 April 2008
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
New Three Directional Approach To zowoco.blogspot.com
Back again, just can't keep away!
I've been doing rather different things today online. Every now and then a Yahoo message tells me something has sold in my eBay store (http://www.zowoco.com/) which is great because basically I only work one day a week at present while I am still in the middle of relocating, so my eBay income is paying for the marketing tools and knowhow I am purchasing. I will list some more things in my store, it's going well, in a small way!
I will do a really good blog about all the new tools I got today after the weekend: I'm going up to Oldham near Manchester for my cousin's wedding which will be a real break, I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun! It's a big drive from Sussex for the others but I will drive to Birmingham from Cardiff tomorrow anyway to teach my piano pupils so it's not far up north from there. A real North meets South affair! My cousin has 7 brothers and sisters and his bride has relatives down her arm!
Well, I have been thinking that to vary things here and keep it all relevant, fresh and interesting, I want to aim for a three directional approach to my posts. First, Business Solutions for building your income online. Second, Self Motivation. Third, I will have some posts content and keyword rich especially to pick up my search engine rankings! I will let you know how this works over the forthcoming weeks so you can try this approach, too. It is always crucial to build your traffic volume in lots of different ways.
So with that in mind I am going to post a completely different style of article I wrote today. Sometimes it is actually your personality and attitude that affects your business success, rather than your actual marketing strategies or business model itself. You can always be at work on your self discipline and self mastery! I am having 2 months off drinking alcohol, to prove to myself that I am not depend on it! This sort of self imposed fast can do wonders for your concentration, sense of Purpose and Direction, and leaves you with even more faith in your ability to carry a task to completion successfully. Here is the article:-
How You Can Improve Your Self Belief Until YOU Are Primed For Super Success - No Holds Barred!
You did it again! You bombed. Maybe you went to a job interview, maybe it was an evening out with the person of your dreams, maybe it was an online venture, or a stock market speculation. But it went wrong, even though you had your hopes pinned on this opportunity!
Where does the fine line between success and total failure really lie? Or is there a yawning chasm between the two? Can you turn failure on its heels and drag success from under the stock pile of your disappointment?
Well, I say, YES YOU CAN! And it really is a thin line indeed. Are you one of those people who feel elated one moment and then, later on in the day, feel totally distraught? Some bad news unsettles you perhaps? I am just like that! But I reason with my anxious inner nature and probe to find a deeper calm. See yourself as a winner and turn those heartaches to triumph for your self!
Ride above the mundane. Consider your priorities. In the job interview, did you concentrate on looking good, on coming across as upbeat, positive, eager, experienced? Were you focused on the impression you made? Suppose instead that you felt a deep inner conviction that it would be the firm's greatest good to hire you because...think about the strengths of this firm, their weaknesses. Are you the link? Do you want to be? What can you offer that will build more trade, stronger customer rapport, all round better business? Focus on how you will strengthen the business strategies of the firm for which you apply, and forget to trouble about your hair, your tie, your shoes. Have a deep inner conviction in your abilities. Know you can!
It is perfectly normal to be nervous at the interview, since only you know how you best face up to nerves. But if you know you have something to offer this company that gives you an edge over other applicants then stand confident and focus on the increased business you will bring about. Napoleon Hill gave some excellent advice when he said "act as if you own the company." This will help you to see the strengths and weaknesses of the company as though your were chairman, or a senior manager. Act it, become it.
I say this again: ACT IT, BECOME IT!
Think about it, what stands between you, the unconfident date, and you the successful lover? The way you act! So act just exactly as you believe the confident person would behave in the situation, and appear to have complete conviction that this is really YOU, this is how you are. You will begin to believe in yourself! And so will your partner.
As I see it, the startling difference about the confident person, who generally, in time, becomes the successful person, is this: the confident person has a deep inner conviction that they cannot fail. The person who hesitates, who fumbles, whose doubts nag at the mind and gnaw at the heart, that person is lost before they start. So from now on, try going with what you feel comfortable with. What you know in your heart you can do, well! It will make a world of difference: you don't need to be always pushing out the boat!
If you feel happy with one thing, do that. You'll find your level in time. But avoid the situations where you feel achingly nervous, because after a few of these experiences, that's how you see yourself. If you feel nervous, it is because you are out of your depth. Just dare a tiny step at a time, if you must dare at all; soon you will be a confident character whom others look up to. And interestingly, it is the quietly confident person who exudes "authority" is it not? So focus on your strengths, your likes, not your dislikes, do what you most enjoy and let Life pass you by for a while. Chances are, during this time of learning to accept yourself, there's someone watching you, weighing the balance: could you be the person to step up to middle management, or to lead this new project, or go on that course?
The opportunities come to you in the quiet reflective times in Life, you simply do not have to chase after new positions as if you were chasing butterflies! If you are good at a task, someone will notice, and reward you with a position of more responsibility. It is just like when you were a child. You may have said "I want to grow 4 inches tonight!" but chances are, you had to wait your time!
That is how Life goes, a quiet stream flowing relentlessly onward, sometimes placid, sometimes hitting the rapids and shooting forward with unbridled energy. You don't have to push yourself forward! Aim to build a reflective side to your character, let things take their course. It is a grand feeling to believe you won through, but in reality was there any need? I like to be quietly reflective, serene and unruffled by the day's events. Fate will move its charted course with no prompting from you!
Now, in no way do I suggest you should take on the attitude which says "Oh, what is the use?" That is despondency. Count on the parts of your character that never give way under pressure: that is the real you! If you have a hasty temper, worry not, you can improve the length of your patience with a little effort every day to forgive a little further than you have done in the past. Does it really matter? Or is it just your ego being bruised? Egos are like fingernails, they need constant filing! When your offended ego rears its ugly head, take no offence, but instead take a moment or two to work on your self. Walk away from the scene or apologize, even when it is clearly not your fault! I have always found this heals a rift and builds new bridges more effectively than any other reaction.
A person will find a deep respect for you when you own yourself in the wrong - after all, we all know how difficult that is! It is human nature to say hurriedly "It was not my fault! You were to blame!" Rather as Eve or Adam reacted in the Garden! We can cloak our raw personalities with grace, however and start anew! What harm does it you to back off? Turn the other cheek? It makes you stronger within, more confident in yourself, more aware of the emotional needs of others, much more likeable!
I find I can get along with near anyone if I can only find some common ground, if I climb inside their outlook and empathise with their point of view, even if it clashes with my own: after all, it is possible I may not always be right! I subtly try to command the others respect whilst at the same time building rapport with some conviction we may both hold in common. After all, surely you can't differ from that person in ALL respects? You must think alike on at least some level! Work on building your intuition and being very aware of how the other person is likely feeling in the situation - then you won't tread on so many toes as you stumble through Life.
And the day will fast arrive where you stumble no longer, but walk always calmly, serenely, confidently, for you have worked on the one thing Fate allows: your self! There is never room for two egos. Dispense with yours today! It does nothing for you and you have no need of it, and believe me, you won't miss your ego, but be glad without it! Who are you that you must always feel so important? Learn to laugh at yourself and you'll soon be very popular! And your new Life will begin: once you take the trouble to admit it could be your fault everything seems to go wrong, then suddenly everything goes right. And in a time of trouble you will have many supporters, and that quiet inner conviction you know yourself!
Life appears to be a great challenge but the truth lies nearer home: tempering your self is the challenge. Achieve that self mastery and you will lead all who are still blaming one another! There are many words of wisdom you will enjoy in the Book of Proverbs in the middle of the Bible. There 31 chapters, one for every day of the month! Who knows, perhaps the ancient people knew something of human nature? For these words have stood the test of Time! Begin today!
Technology and opinion may change from hour to hour but human nature remains the same: a wild unbroken horse to be bridled! Control first your inner nature and your reactions and you will control all that is possible in your Life. No longer will you find yourself in a nervous situation, for you will always be quietly confident in yourself. And things will improve, and move ahead for you, as sure as a child grows to become an adult. Believe in yourself: begin today!
Louise Woodcock Piano Teacher and Internet Business Strategist You can discover more about me at http://zowoco.blogspot.com/ Please feel free to use this article however you wish! God bless! ;)
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Louise_Woodcock
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I've been doing rather different things today online. Every now and then a Yahoo message tells me something has sold in my eBay store (http://www.zowoco.com/) which is great because basically I only work one day a week at present while I am still in the middle of relocating, so my eBay income is paying for the marketing tools and knowhow I am purchasing. I will list some more things in my store, it's going well, in a small way!
I will do a really good blog about all the new tools I got today after the weekend: I'm going up to Oldham near Manchester for my cousin's wedding which will be a real break, I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun! It's a big drive from Sussex for the others but I will drive to Birmingham from Cardiff tomorrow anyway to teach my piano pupils so it's not far up north from there. A real North meets South affair! My cousin has 7 brothers and sisters and his bride has relatives down her arm!
Well, I have been thinking that to vary things here and keep it all relevant, fresh and interesting, I want to aim for a three directional approach to my posts. First, Business Solutions for building your income online. Second, Self Motivation. Third, I will have some posts content and keyword rich especially to pick up my search engine rankings! I will let you know how this works over the forthcoming weeks so you can try this approach, too. It is always crucial to build your traffic volume in lots of different ways.
So with that in mind I am going to post a completely different style of article I wrote today. Sometimes it is actually your personality and attitude that affects your business success, rather than your actual marketing strategies or business model itself. You can always be at work on your self discipline and self mastery! I am having 2 months off drinking alcohol, to prove to myself that I am not depend on it! This sort of self imposed fast can do wonders for your concentration, sense of Purpose and Direction, and leaves you with even more faith in your ability to carry a task to completion successfully. Here is the article:-
How You Can Improve Your Self Belief Until YOU Are Primed For Super Success - No Holds Barred!
You did it again! You bombed. Maybe you went to a job interview, maybe it was an evening out with the person of your dreams, maybe it was an online venture, or a stock market speculation. But it went wrong, even though you had your hopes pinned on this opportunity!
Where does the fine line between success and total failure really lie? Or is there a yawning chasm between the two? Can you turn failure on its heels and drag success from under the stock pile of your disappointment?
Well, I say, YES YOU CAN! And it really is a thin line indeed. Are you one of those people who feel elated one moment and then, later on in the day, feel totally distraught? Some bad news unsettles you perhaps? I am just like that! But I reason with my anxious inner nature and probe to find a deeper calm. See yourself as a winner and turn those heartaches to triumph for your self!
Ride above the mundane. Consider your priorities. In the job interview, did you concentrate on looking good, on coming across as upbeat, positive, eager, experienced? Were you focused on the impression you made? Suppose instead that you felt a deep inner conviction that it would be the firm's greatest good to hire you because...think about the strengths of this firm, their weaknesses. Are you the link? Do you want to be? What can you offer that will build more trade, stronger customer rapport, all round better business? Focus on how you will strengthen the business strategies of the firm for which you apply, and forget to trouble about your hair, your tie, your shoes. Have a deep inner conviction in your abilities. Know you can!
It is perfectly normal to be nervous at the interview, since only you know how you best face up to nerves. But if you know you have something to offer this company that gives you an edge over other applicants then stand confident and focus on the increased business you will bring about. Napoleon Hill gave some excellent advice when he said "act as if you own the company." This will help you to see the strengths and weaknesses of the company as though your were chairman, or a senior manager. Act it, become it.
I say this again: ACT IT, BECOME IT!
Think about it, what stands between you, the unconfident date, and you the successful lover? The way you act! So act just exactly as you believe the confident person would behave in the situation, and appear to have complete conviction that this is really YOU, this is how you are. You will begin to believe in yourself! And so will your partner.
As I see it, the startling difference about the confident person, who generally, in time, becomes the successful person, is this: the confident person has a deep inner conviction that they cannot fail. The person who hesitates, who fumbles, whose doubts nag at the mind and gnaw at the heart, that person is lost before they start. So from now on, try going with what you feel comfortable with. What you know in your heart you can do, well! It will make a world of difference: you don't need to be always pushing out the boat!
If you feel happy with one thing, do that. You'll find your level in time. But avoid the situations where you feel achingly nervous, because after a few of these experiences, that's how you see yourself. If you feel nervous, it is because you are out of your depth. Just dare a tiny step at a time, if you must dare at all; soon you will be a confident character whom others look up to. And interestingly, it is the quietly confident person who exudes "authority" is it not? So focus on your strengths, your likes, not your dislikes, do what you most enjoy and let Life pass you by for a while. Chances are, during this time of learning to accept yourself, there's someone watching you, weighing the balance: could you be the person to step up to middle management, or to lead this new project, or go on that course?
The opportunities come to you in the quiet reflective times in Life, you simply do not have to chase after new positions as if you were chasing butterflies! If you are good at a task, someone will notice, and reward you with a position of more responsibility. It is just like when you were a child. You may have said "I want to grow 4 inches tonight!" but chances are, you had to wait your time!
That is how Life goes, a quiet stream flowing relentlessly onward, sometimes placid, sometimes hitting the rapids and shooting forward with unbridled energy. You don't have to push yourself forward! Aim to build a reflective side to your character, let things take their course. It is a grand feeling to believe you won through, but in reality was there any need? I like to be quietly reflective, serene and unruffled by the day's events. Fate will move its charted course with no prompting from you!
Now, in no way do I suggest you should take on the attitude which says "Oh, what is the use?" That is despondency. Count on the parts of your character that never give way under pressure: that is the real you! If you have a hasty temper, worry not, you can improve the length of your patience with a little effort every day to forgive a little further than you have done in the past. Does it really matter? Or is it just your ego being bruised? Egos are like fingernails, they need constant filing! When your offended ego rears its ugly head, take no offence, but instead take a moment or two to work on your self. Walk away from the scene or apologize, even when it is clearly not your fault! I have always found this heals a rift and builds new bridges more effectively than any other reaction.
A person will find a deep respect for you when you own yourself in the wrong - after all, we all know how difficult that is! It is human nature to say hurriedly "It was not my fault! You were to blame!" Rather as Eve or Adam reacted in the Garden! We can cloak our raw personalities with grace, however and start anew! What harm does it you to back off? Turn the other cheek? It makes you stronger within, more confident in yourself, more aware of the emotional needs of others, much more likeable!
I find I can get along with near anyone if I can only find some common ground, if I climb inside their outlook and empathise with their point of view, even if it clashes with my own: after all, it is possible I may not always be right! I subtly try to command the others respect whilst at the same time building rapport with some conviction we may both hold in common. After all, surely you can't differ from that person in ALL respects? You must think alike on at least some level! Work on building your intuition and being very aware of how the other person is likely feeling in the situation - then you won't tread on so many toes as you stumble through Life.
And the day will fast arrive where you stumble no longer, but walk always calmly, serenely, confidently, for you have worked on the one thing Fate allows: your self! There is never room for two egos. Dispense with yours today! It does nothing for you and you have no need of it, and believe me, you won't miss your ego, but be glad without it! Who are you that you must always feel so important? Learn to laugh at yourself and you'll soon be very popular! And your new Life will begin: once you take the trouble to admit it could be your fault everything seems to go wrong, then suddenly everything goes right. And in a time of trouble you will have many supporters, and that quiet inner conviction you know yourself!
Life appears to be a great challenge but the truth lies nearer home: tempering your self is the challenge. Achieve that self mastery and you will lead all who are still blaming one another! There are many words of wisdom you will enjoy in the Book of Proverbs in the middle of the Bible. There 31 chapters, one for every day of the month! Who knows, perhaps the ancient people knew something of human nature? For these words have stood the test of Time! Begin today!
Technology and opinion may change from hour to hour but human nature remains the same: a wild unbroken horse to be bridled! Control first your inner nature and your reactions and you will control all that is possible in your Life. No longer will you find yourself in a nervous situation, for you will always be quietly confident in yourself. And things will improve, and move ahead for you, as sure as a child grows to become an adult. Believe in yourself: begin today!
Louise Woodcock Piano Teacher and Internet Business Strategist You can discover more about me at http://zowoco.blogspot.com/ Please feel free to use this article however you wish! God bless! ;)
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Louise_Woodcock
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self mastery,
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Is This YOU? Want To Follow Your Chosen Path, Got Lost In The Money Maze?
Money Maze? You know, that transition between the college 'you' who was about to save the planet and do your Life Work, follow your dream, not get sucked into earning a crust...
And then you awoke some years later, sometimes 70 years later, and thought, "Hello, where did I go? What happened to the real me?" You succumbed somewhere along the path to burying your self in money cares: who will pay the rent/mortgage? What job can I take that pays the most? I better wear my hair so as to always make a good first impression. And funnily enough, the scruffy avant-garde care nothing dreamy college you settled into the everyday pattern of the dull grey "normal" adult world! Oh, it wasn't going to be you for long! Then someone came along, and children, and dogs, and relatives...
So suddenly you yawn, stretch, prise open your weary eyes...and behold, the LIGHT! Well this is just what has happened to me today! Not that I in any way conform to the grey picture I just painted you! I have never met someone, no children, no dogs, until five months ago no relatives...wear my hair as and when, wear whatever, go to work one day a week, stay at home working and researching online...Life's a peach! But I still walked under a cloud! Couldn't see my way out of the paper bag regards my piano playing - what to do?
Now I have found an answer! And you can too!
I have long thought that with the new global power of communication the world wide web has opened to us all who can access a computer, surely if you could find 2 elements and mix them you could start your own career revolution! With the price of oil soaring, as you well know, some bright sparks are looking at an alternative fuel: water! H2O. But the first step towards this was the creation of HHO, a remarkable gas produced by combining the 2 elements, hydrogen and oxygen in a different ratio. I was learning about this on YouTube a couple of days ago.
It's funny how things come around. What you desire is out there somewhere, who knows where? You will never find it by doing your every day routine. You have to break out, even say just one evening a week and decide to try something new. In the last 48 hours I have made a number of connections which led me to important new discoveries all because I allowed my thoughts to focus yet wander freely. I tap a search key phrase into Google and within minutes am locating websites and blogs about other things, yet things which hold my interest.
Perhaps this is what Napoleon Hill refers to in several of his chapters in his all time classic book, Think And Grow Rich! The answer is out there on the ether, it's like your mind has the capability to "tune-in" like a radio wave and CONNECT to the thing you require or desire and by a series of seemingly unrelated steps to CONNECT with your desired object. Personally I am a sceptic when it comes to people: I'm not someone who finds people! But now thanks to a blog post I just read, which in turn inspired me to write this, I find a way of reaching out into the known world and projecting my will towards the agent who will one day create my world class piano recital career! Haha! But also serious. LET ME SHARE THIS WITH YOU NOW!
The blog is called Eric's Tips and Eric is a thoughtful young man with more in his heart than the accumulation of money! Here you will find the AMAZING story of a creative person who sets herself FREE from the MONEY MAZE by connecting two online biggies to enable her to live Life at her pace. That's what all artists and musicians and poets cry out for, but are so often tragically smothered in the day-to-day nitty gritty of facing angry landlords and distraught bank managers! (I long ago learnt to ignore them)! This artist is called Valentina, read her story for yourself, meet her on video, and most of all, let her story sink in! Do you know a struggling artist, poet or musician? Let them into this amazing path of discovery also, and God Bless You!
The 2 well known media Valentina connects for herself are YouTube and eBay. You probably have a digital camera or camcorder that could do video, or know someone who has. Homemade is best of all: homemade video, I mean, a bit amateur feel, makes your audience sympathize and connect better, I think. Anyway, go to it, make this dream come true for yourself, or help a friend in need to escape from the MONEY MAZE!
Here she is: Valentina, artist and marketer extraordinaire! Take time to get to know her through her videos here, her unique story might just change your Life today, as it just has mine! Click and discover a new world of creativity!
And if you are musical you might also like to hear the story of a very talented young gospel pianist and marketer called Jermaine. Here is his link: Click Here To Read How A Young Gospel Pianist Has Made Millions In His Twenties Through His Talent, His Determination, And The Incredible Power Of Communication Leverage The Internet Provides Us!
And then you awoke some years later, sometimes 70 years later, and thought, "Hello, where did I go? What happened to the real me?" You succumbed somewhere along the path to burying your self in money cares: who will pay the rent/mortgage? What job can I take that pays the most? I better wear my hair so as to always make a good first impression. And funnily enough, the scruffy avant-garde care nothing dreamy college you settled into the everyday pattern of the dull grey "normal" adult world! Oh, it wasn't going to be you for long! Then someone came along, and children, and dogs, and relatives...
So suddenly you yawn, stretch, prise open your weary eyes...and behold, the LIGHT! Well this is just what has happened to me today! Not that I in any way conform to the grey picture I just painted you! I have never met someone, no children, no dogs, until five months ago no relatives...wear my hair as and when, wear whatever, go to work one day a week, stay at home working and researching online...Life's a peach! But I still walked under a cloud! Couldn't see my way out of the paper bag regards my piano playing - what to do?
Now I have found an answer! And you can too!
I have long thought that with the new global power of communication the world wide web has opened to us all who can access a computer, surely if you could find 2 elements and mix them you could start your own career revolution! With the price of oil soaring, as you well know, some bright sparks are looking at an alternative fuel: water! H2O. But the first step towards this was the creation of HHO, a remarkable gas produced by combining the 2 elements, hydrogen and oxygen in a different ratio. I was learning about this on YouTube a couple of days ago.
It's funny how things come around. What you desire is out there somewhere, who knows where? You will never find it by doing your every day routine. You have to break out, even say just one evening a week and decide to try something new. In the last 48 hours I have made a number of connections which led me to important new discoveries all because I allowed my thoughts to focus yet wander freely. I tap a search key phrase into Google and within minutes am locating websites and blogs about other things, yet things which hold my interest.
Perhaps this is what Napoleon Hill refers to in several of his chapters in his all time classic book, Think And Grow Rich! The answer is out there on the ether, it's like your mind has the capability to "tune-in" like a radio wave and CONNECT to the thing you require or desire and by a series of seemingly unrelated steps to CONNECT with your desired object. Personally I am a sceptic when it comes to people: I'm not someone who finds people! But now thanks to a blog post I just read, which in turn inspired me to write this, I find a way of reaching out into the known world and projecting my will towards the agent who will one day create my world class piano recital career! Haha! But also serious. LET ME SHARE THIS WITH YOU NOW!
The blog is called Eric's Tips and Eric is a thoughtful young man with more in his heart than the accumulation of money! Here you will find the AMAZING story of a creative person who sets herself FREE from the MONEY MAZE by connecting two online biggies to enable her to live Life at her pace. That's what all artists and musicians and poets cry out for, but are so often tragically smothered in the day-to-day nitty gritty of facing angry landlords and distraught bank managers! (I long ago learnt to ignore them)! This artist is called Valentina, read her story for yourself, meet her on video, and most of all, let her story sink in! Do you know a struggling artist, poet or musician? Let them into this amazing path of discovery also, and God Bless You!
The 2 well known media Valentina connects for herself are YouTube and eBay. You probably have a digital camera or camcorder that could do video, or know someone who has. Homemade is best of all: homemade video, I mean, a bit amateur feel, makes your audience sympathize and connect better, I think. Anyway, go to it, make this dream come true for yourself, or help a friend in need to escape from the MONEY MAZE!
Here she is: Valentina, artist and marketer extraordinaire! Take time to get to know her through her videos here, her unique story might just change your Life today, as it just has mine! Click and discover a new world of creativity!
And if you are musical you might also like to hear the story of a very talented young gospel pianist and marketer called Jermaine. Here is his link: Click Here To Read How A Young Gospel Pianist Has Made Millions In His Twenties Through His Talent, His Determination, And The Incredible Power Of Communication Leverage The Internet Provides Us!
I know you will find these stories inspiring, and remember, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so that said, I'm off now for a cuppa and some piano composition (I play around a chord like A minor and doodle with any ostinato [repeating bass pattern], and try out rhythmic and melodic ideas, it's called Improvisation, but all the great classical composers, that's essentially how they created their music, although some of the world's most famous melodies came into the composers' minds on a quiet walk in the evening. Another example of Napoleon Hill's philosophy! See if YOU can delve into the "ether" to CONNECT with your desired solution! Expect!
That's what the whole of human experience is, CONNECTION, making connections between folk. Those who perfect the art of subduing their own ego and master the immense power of connecting with people on that person's level truly succeed in Life - this is the Midas Touch: not to turn every object into gold, but to turn every connection into harmony!
I'll be back in a bit to share with you some of the fantastic resources I have discovered in the last 8 hours online (you can make a whole 2 extra days a week by not going to sleep for a night, say Sunday, and then again, say Wednesday: your body soon adapts)!
Chus, Louise :) http://www.zowoco.com/
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money maze,
Article Submission By Hand To Boost Your Online Credibility And Skyrocket Your Profits Through Massively Increased Website Visitor Numbers!
I am currently expanding the number of websites I regularly submit articles to and as I add new ones to my list I will tell you, and eventually I will publish a list here of the article submission sites I always use. The more articles you write and submit, the more you will become known as an expert with something to say, around the net. And that will drive your traffic volume right up!
Today I wrote a fairly lengthy article on generating FREE traffic to your website or blog by ranking highly in the search engines. So here it is! The main trouble I have with writing articles is, are you allowed to put links in, or any domain names? Because often when I want to highlight something, I want to send the reader to a website to illustrate what I mean. No article can be completely self-contained, after all! In general, it is probably wise to avoid hyperlinks as some sites allow these, and others do not, but freely include domains as you wish.
An example would be: if I include http://zowoco.blogspot.com/ this is a hyperlink, but I could talk about zowoco, zowoco marketing or the zowoco blogspot and leave the reader to find these in Google search, or I could include zowoco.blogspot.com as the domain. The hyperlink is the URL; take off http or www. and you have the domain, do you follow?
Anyway, here is my submitted article which I include here because it puts across the sort of marketing techniques I aim for, and because you can read it as an example of an article you could submit: obviously change the subject to suit. I submitted this to http://www.ideamarketers.com/
The title I used has already escaped me! So here is something like!
Why You Are Not Yet Achieving The Traffic Volumes Online You Desire And How You Can Go About Fixing This So As To Attract High Volumes Of Unique Visitors In Just 3 Weeks!
Hi! I'd like today to highlight the crucial reasons why YOU are not yet achieving the traffic volume you want for your website or blog. The answers may surprise you! Then we'll turn your situation around and show how you can bring a high volume of unique visitors to your URL!
Here are the top three reasons why you are not achieving the traffic volume you want:-
1. Your content quality is low
2. Your content is not specific to one niche subject
3. Your content does not contain enough keywords and key phrases relevant to your theme.
Did that surprise you? Just as in property the maxim is location, so in web positioning, the maxim is content. This is what sabotages your efforts online: low quality content. And what EXPLODES your traffic volumes online: high quality relevant content! Let's sink this in:-
That is what biases your website or blog in or out of favour with the search engines, especially Google. Google is looking for high quality content with frequent keywords and key phrases throughout your content which pertain to the relevance of your niche subject. So if you are promoting a website about dogs and the content is mainly about your last holiday, your ranking plummets! Keep to the point. Be informative. Give the search engines what they require, top quality RELEVANT content!
I write a blog with regular posts on business solutions which will help anyone who desires to start an online business but lacks time or money or simply wants to discover the most cutting-edge value for money options. The page lengthens as I post and so the search engines love to scent out my content! For me, content is the printed text that comprises my post within the blog. So if I create an article about increasing your website's traffic volume, then I want relevant content with keywords to impress the search engines that my blog deserves the highest rankings!
Don't forget, there is more than one way to skin a cat! If you can't rank highly under a competitive keyword like "Dog" then perhaps your website CAN do well with a key phrase like "Canine Behaviour" - have a good long think about alternative angles for marketing what makes YOU and YOUR WEBSITE or blog truly unique! Don't throw good money after bad on pay-per-click advertising: if you are honest, has it ever really worked for you? I sank $800 into Google AdWords before I decided it was time to look at FREE solutions to driving visitors to my blog! Out of that $800 (I was advertising Clickbank niche products such as Guitar Tuition Courses and Dog Training manuals) I made zero sales! I got plenty of click-throughs, so my ad copy was fine. It's just that either the product wasn't relevant or the prospect did not want to part with their cash!
Many people are still looking for all the solutions online to be FREE. I believe you get what you pay for, and if you pay nothing, then what you get is worth just that! So when I want a solution to an online problem I have, then I check out what who has to offer, consider several different approaches and go with the one that seems to actually work the best! And if it is low priced, so much the better, but if not, then I believe it will be worth the price tag.
OK, so how are we going to turn your situation around so that for $0 and a little time you are going to achieve such high visitor volume you will need to increase your bandwidth and find something else to sell these people as a backend sale!? Your first crucial option is to take a good hard look at your website itself:-
1. What exactly are you trying to offer?
2. What does it actually come across that you are offering?
3. What is, for you, the PRIMARY purpose of your website?
4. What, in fact, is the main thing your website actually achieves to the few people who visit?
Do they look round then leave? Do you have quality content like video or articles or reviews that will make them hang around? Will they want to return? Do you have something that will ensure they return daily? How often do you update your homepage? Is it really relevant and up-to-the-minute? Do you have a good offer? The best offer? Do you even have anything to offer? Do you have products or services to sell? Have you written good quality information about these within your site? Do your graphics and pictures match your over all look? What image does your website project? Is everything congruent? Do ALL your links work? Do ALL your graphics and pictures load? And MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: are you capturing the names and email addresses of all your visitors through an opt-in subscription box?
Take a look at your presentation, get everything matched up, fit that all-important Opt-In box or pop-up onto your homepage so you can find out both what your visitors are looking for and what they want, and then focus on achieving high search engine rankings and high volume traffic. Remember: you don't want every monkey and his dog to arrive at your site: you want targeted traffic: people who are genuinely interested in what you supply. And don't forget, if you don't have anything to sell, how are you going to make sales, let alone a profit?
My favourite angle to internet marketing is simply: don't bombard your prospects with things to buy, instead offer them solutions to problems.
The way I achieve this is, if I have a website where I am primarily attempting to sell one item such as an ebook, I first create a blog or a content-only site where the visitor can read information on the item's benefits or even a long but subtle sales letter full of entertaining stories on why this item will solve the reader's problem, then I ask them to click on a link which takes them to the item sales page. At one point I will have collected the prospects email address and name. After page one it will be qualified prospects who opt-in (enter their details), after the sale, it is qualified buyers. Which do you want?
Because most marketers are being very aggressive right now and expecting a visitor to enter their details for nothing other than to gain access to their homepage which is usually just a long sales letter. I don't go with this aggressive approach at all: it turns me right off! So take the time to decide what you are aiming for and how you will achieve this!
Have you plugged in to the exciting new online development called Web 2.0? Read my blog for news of what this is and how you can harness its immense power to SKYROCKET YOUR PROFITS! You will also be well rewarded by writing articles on your niche subject because you are then literally FLOODING the web with your website or blog's identity which will build your reputation! If everyone has heard of you, chances are they will visit your site! You will also be creating valuable links because the next big reason for high ranking in the search engines after content, is links to popular and relevant sites. Next, consider writing an informative report about what you do, or provide a unique solution to a problem, and format it as a pdf file. Offer this to website owners, bloggers, from your own site and to ezine publishers as a freebie they can give away to their own visitors. Be sure to include at least one link back to your website or blog!
This will keep you occupied for some weeks, and will prove very rewarding as you watch your search engine rapport grow: search on keyword phrases you are working on promoting under and see how day by day your number of entries grows! People will soon be flocking to see what this newcomer has to say or to offer or to sell, and before long you will no longer be new, but an established internet marketer with a story of your own to tell! Good luck and may I wish you all the best! I am easily found if you Google search me under "zowoco" and do be sure to visit my zowoco blogspot where I not only cover this whole traffic solution in depth but also provide links to websites that can really benefit you! New solutions being added daily so look in reularly at zowoco blogspot, thanks! Louise x
To summarise this post I want to say, don't hand over any money for article submission! There are more than enough quality websites around where you can register for FREE and submit for FREE. Try to write an original article for each one, even if it is only a twist on a subject you frequently write on! You can always copy and paste from one to another if you wish. I prefer to focus on getting my high quality content published all around the web, which is more likely with a new article each time as I will touch new keywords and target even more searchers!
Soon I will be highlighting an inexpensive but extremely valuable software tool which will take a lot of the hard work out of article submission for you, and that part is in fact only one of the bonuses offered with this incredible new SEO (search engine optimization or getting your site ranked highly) software. Meanwhile if you can't wait, here is the link for that! It may be a touch higher than your usual price range, but just look at all you get for the money! Hard to beat! As always, you get what you pay for in Life, so if you are keen, dedicated to your online success and want to take your income to the next ten levels,
then click here right away to preview the cutting-edge software package that is taking the internet by storm and can and WILL project YOUR website or blog to the very top of the search engine rankings for your chosen keywords and key phrases. Verifiable results: past purchasers are now coming in at number 1 for even such competitive keywords as marketing! Check out how this fantastic true solution can skyrocket YOUR website TRAFFIC VOLUMES: your online earnings will never be the same again! Don't hold back, go for number 1! Click here NOW to discover HOW!
Hope you find these ideas really useful! Here's to your long-term internet success: BRAVISSIMO AMIGOS!
By the way, feel free to use that article above in any way you wish, just provide a link back to me here at http://zowoco.blogspot.com/, or mention me as the author and that I write at zowoco.blogspot.com, thanks a lot! :)
Cheers, Louise http://www.passion8success.com/
Today I wrote a fairly lengthy article on generating FREE traffic to your website or blog by ranking highly in the search engines. So here it is! The main trouble I have with writing articles is, are you allowed to put links in, or any domain names? Because often when I want to highlight something, I want to send the reader to a website to illustrate what I mean. No article can be completely self-contained, after all! In general, it is probably wise to avoid hyperlinks as some sites allow these, and others do not, but freely include domains as you wish.
An example would be: if I include http://zowoco.blogspot.com/ this is a hyperlink, but I could talk about zowoco, zowoco marketing or the zowoco blogspot and leave the reader to find these in Google search, or I could include zowoco.blogspot.com as the domain. The hyperlink is the URL; take off http or www. and you have the domain, do you follow?
Anyway, here is my submitted article which I include here because it puts across the sort of marketing techniques I aim for, and because you can read it as an example of an article you could submit: obviously change the subject to suit. I submitted this to http://www.ideamarketers.com/
The title I used has already escaped me! So here is something like!
Why You Are Not Yet Achieving The Traffic Volumes Online You Desire And How You Can Go About Fixing This So As To Attract High Volumes Of Unique Visitors In Just 3 Weeks!
Hi! I'd like today to highlight the crucial reasons why YOU are not yet achieving the traffic volume you want for your website or blog. The answers may surprise you! Then we'll turn your situation around and show how you can bring a high volume of unique visitors to your URL!
Here are the top three reasons why you are not achieving the traffic volume you want:-
1. Your content quality is low
2. Your content is not specific to one niche subject
3. Your content does not contain enough keywords and key phrases relevant to your theme.
Did that surprise you? Just as in property the maxim is location, so in web positioning, the maxim is content. This is what sabotages your efforts online: low quality content. And what EXPLODES your traffic volumes online: high quality relevant content! Let's sink this in:-
That is what biases your website or blog in or out of favour with the search engines, especially Google. Google is looking for high quality content with frequent keywords and key phrases throughout your content which pertain to the relevance of your niche subject. So if you are promoting a website about dogs and the content is mainly about your last holiday, your ranking plummets! Keep to the point. Be informative. Give the search engines what they require, top quality RELEVANT content!
I write a blog with regular posts on business solutions which will help anyone who desires to start an online business but lacks time or money or simply wants to discover the most cutting-edge value for money options. The page lengthens as I post and so the search engines love to scent out my content! For me, content is the printed text that comprises my post within the blog. So if I create an article about increasing your website's traffic volume, then I want relevant content with keywords to impress the search engines that my blog deserves the highest rankings!
Don't forget, there is more than one way to skin a cat! If you can't rank highly under a competitive keyword like "Dog" then perhaps your website CAN do well with a key phrase like "Canine Behaviour" - have a good long think about alternative angles for marketing what makes YOU and YOUR WEBSITE or blog truly unique! Don't throw good money after bad on pay-per-click advertising: if you are honest, has it ever really worked for you? I sank $800 into Google AdWords before I decided it was time to look at FREE solutions to driving visitors to my blog! Out of that $800 (I was advertising Clickbank niche products such as Guitar Tuition Courses and Dog Training manuals) I made zero sales! I got plenty of click-throughs, so my ad copy was fine. It's just that either the product wasn't relevant or the prospect did not want to part with their cash!
Many people are still looking for all the solutions online to be FREE. I believe you get what you pay for, and if you pay nothing, then what you get is worth just that! So when I want a solution to an online problem I have, then I check out what who has to offer, consider several different approaches and go with the one that seems to actually work the best! And if it is low priced, so much the better, but if not, then I believe it will be worth the price tag.
OK, so how are we going to turn your situation around so that for $0 and a little time you are going to achieve such high visitor volume you will need to increase your bandwidth and find something else to sell these people as a backend sale!? Your first crucial option is to take a good hard look at your website itself:-
1. What exactly are you trying to offer?
2. What does it actually come across that you are offering?
3. What is, for you, the PRIMARY purpose of your website?
4. What, in fact, is the main thing your website actually achieves to the few people who visit?
Do they look round then leave? Do you have quality content like video or articles or reviews that will make them hang around? Will they want to return? Do you have something that will ensure they return daily? How often do you update your homepage? Is it really relevant and up-to-the-minute? Do you have a good offer? The best offer? Do you even have anything to offer? Do you have products or services to sell? Have you written good quality information about these within your site? Do your graphics and pictures match your over all look? What image does your website project? Is everything congruent? Do ALL your links work? Do ALL your graphics and pictures load? And MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: are you capturing the names and email addresses of all your visitors through an opt-in subscription box?
Take a look at your presentation, get everything matched up, fit that all-important Opt-In box or pop-up onto your homepage so you can find out both what your visitors are looking for and what they want, and then focus on achieving high search engine rankings and high volume traffic. Remember: you don't want every monkey and his dog to arrive at your site: you want targeted traffic: people who are genuinely interested in what you supply. And don't forget, if you don't have anything to sell, how are you going to make sales, let alone a profit?
My favourite angle to internet marketing is simply: don't bombard your prospects with things to buy, instead offer them solutions to problems.
The way I achieve this is, if I have a website where I am primarily attempting to sell one item such as an ebook, I first create a blog or a content-only site where the visitor can read information on the item's benefits or even a long but subtle sales letter full of entertaining stories on why this item will solve the reader's problem, then I ask them to click on a link which takes them to the item sales page. At one point I will have collected the prospects email address and name. After page one it will be qualified prospects who opt-in (enter their details), after the sale, it is qualified buyers. Which do you want?
Because most marketers are being very aggressive right now and expecting a visitor to enter their details for nothing other than to gain access to their homepage which is usually just a long sales letter. I don't go with this aggressive approach at all: it turns me right off! So take the time to decide what you are aiming for and how you will achieve this!
Have you plugged in to the exciting new online development called Web 2.0? Read my blog for news of what this is and how you can harness its immense power to SKYROCKET YOUR PROFITS! You will also be well rewarded by writing articles on your niche subject because you are then literally FLOODING the web with your website or blog's identity which will build your reputation! If everyone has heard of you, chances are they will visit your site! You will also be creating valuable links because the next big reason for high ranking in the search engines after content, is links to popular and relevant sites. Next, consider writing an informative report about what you do, or provide a unique solution to a problem, and format it as a pdf file. Offer this to website owners, bloggers, from your own site and to ezine publishers as a freebie they can give away to their own visitors. Be sure to include at least one link back to your website or blog!
This will keep you occupied for some weeks, and will prove very rewarding as you watch your search engine rapport grow: search on keyword phrases you are working on promoting under and see how day by day your number of entries grows! People will soon be flocking to see what this newcomer has to say or to offer or to sell, and before long you will no longer be new, but an established internet marketer with a story of your own to tell! Good luck and may I wish you all the best! I am easily found if you Google search me under "zowoco" and do be sure to visit my zowoco blogspot where I not only cover this whole traffic solution in depth but also provide links to websites that can really benefit you! New solutions being added daily so look in reularly at zowoco blogspot, thanks! Louise x
To summarise this post I want to say, don't hand over any money for article submission! There are more than enough quality websites around where you can register for FREE and submit for FREE. Try to write an original article for each one, even if it is only a twist on a subject you frequently write on! You can always copy and paste from one to another if you wish. I prefer to focus on getting my high quality content published all around the web, which is more likely with a new article each time as I will touch new keywords and target even more searchers!
Soon I will be highlighting an inexpensive but extremely valuable software tool which will take a lot of the hard work out of article submission for you, and that part is in fact only one of the bonuses offered with this incredible new SEO (search engine optimization or getting your site ranked highly) software. Meanwhile if you can't wait, here is the link for that! It may be a touch higher than your usual price range, but just look at all you get for the money! Hard to beat! As always, you get what you pay for in Life, so if you are keen, dedicated to your online success and want to take your income to the next ten levels,
then click here right away to preview the cutting-edge software package that is taking the internet by storm and can and WILL project YOUR website or blog to the very top of the search engine rankings for your chosen keywords and key phrases. Verifiable results: past purchasers are now coming in at number 1 for even such competitive keywords as marketing! Check out how this fantastic true solution can skyrocket YOUR website TRAFFIC VOLUMES: your online earnings will never be the same again! Don't hold back, go for number 1! Click here NOW to discover HOW!
Hope you find these ideas really useful! Here's to your long-term internet success: BRAVISSIMO AMIGOS!
By the way, feel free to use that article above in any way you wish, just provide a link back to me here at http://zowoco.blogspot.com/, or mention me as the author and that I write at zowoco.blogspot.com, thanks a lot! :)
Cheers, Louise http://www.passion8success.com/
Capture The Power of WEB 2.0 To Explode YOUR Internet Traffic & Build YOUR Business Exponentially!
What is WEB 2.0?
This is the HOT question webmasters and bloggers are asking today. Can it really bring traffic flooding to your URL? Is it the way of the future online or is it a passing phase? Does the term mean anything specific or is it hype? Isn't WEB 2.0 the same as blogging? Where can I find out about WEB 2.0? What can it do for me? What can it do for my business?
If YOU are asking yourself any of these questions, today you can discover WEB 2.0 for yourself. I am new to WEB 2.0. Let me point you to a powerful website that will give you a lot of WEB 2.0 links so you can discover what each one has to offer you.
This is a colourful and useful WEB 2.0 directory to get you interested! See what these websites have to offer. My favourite WEB 2.0 site is here:-
Here you can in effect, summarise your URL's activities: daily or weekly as you wish. One thing is for sure, WEB 2.0 is here to stay, although I am sure it will develop, and it is about to make the greatest impact on our concept of working online. If you are not currently enjoying the benefits of WEB 2.0, get with it! Register at http://www.tumblr.com/
And post regularly about your URL activities, in other words, what is new at your blog or website? WEB 2.0 is interactive. It has its foundations in the old billboards, in newsgroups, in forums: it is the natural progression of geek internet. But it truly has something crucial to offer every blogger and webmaster. Because Google loves http://www.tumblr.com/
Google happily picks up on your posts there and uses the information its search engine crawlers gather about your site to position you higher up its search engine rankings. You harness the power of clever linking: be seen to link with high traffic volume websites, post on WEB 2.0 sites Google loves to trawl. My recommendation is, any type of blogging, article writing or WEB 2.0 posting is time intensive, so check what the search engines think of the WEB 2.0 site before you post: is it friendly? Will it help or hinder you in your quest?
You can post pictures, bio, synopsis, press release, articles, text, stories, video, links, the possibilities are endless. WEB 2.0 is interactive internet. You post, others find you. But best of all, like at http://www.tumblr.com/, Google rates you on account of the quality of your content in relationship to its keyword tags. It's FREE. Start today. You'll be delighted to see your URL make its mark. And increased traffic (visitor numbers) to your site can only spell more sales and more profits. Because marketing on the internet is a numbers game. And how! With huge traffic there is no limit to what you can offer. Get your traffic, then service it! Get a high volume of targeted visitors to your URL daily then discover what they want, produce that, and sell them!
Build yourself a market then supply to that hungry market! The key to all search engine optimization is content quality and relevance to keywords. Why bother with any of this? Because the visitors who come to you from Google and other search engines is the top quality targeted prospect/potential buyers you can ever find. WEB 2.0 not only increases your traffic, it is highly targeted to your keywords! This puts Google Ad Words out in the chill! Get with it now!
When you want something online, do you search in Google or a search engine first? Do you click on the top 10, maybe 20 links? Why do you think people pay huge bids for pay-per-click advertising? Because they want their URL to be seen up with the top ranking websites for certain keywords or popular key phrases. But what if they did the homework and already projected themselves up into the top rankings? Wouldn't that save a lot of money? So plug into WEB 2.0 today.
WEB 2.0 is fun, FREE, quick, easy, methodical, and will boost your ranking and therefore your traffic volume daily. More people to your website = more prospects, more leads, more sales, more joint venture, more profits for your online business. Yes, you really can SEO for FREE!
If you want to know more about this fascinating new topic and truly vamp up your traffic volume in a very short time I very highly recommend Chris Freville's exciting inexpensive package: here is a guy who has done his homework and can grip your attention!
Click Here to Discover the POWER of WEB 2.0 for YOURSELF today! Set up YOUR own Traffic Stampede and grow YOUR Online Business Exponentially for Very Low Cost! At Last YOU Can Make YOUR Mark Online & Compete With Established Names! Click To Find Out How NOW!
I hope this article at zowoco.blogspot.com opens your eyes today to the huge UNTAPPED potential of WEB 2.0 to grow your online business. Please follow my links to discover more for yourself.
Cheers, Louise passion8success.com
This is the HOT question webmasters and bloggers are asking today. Can it really bring traffic flooding to your URL? Is it the way of the future online or is it a passing phase? Does the term mean anything specific or is it hype? Isn't WEB 2.0 the same as blogging? Where can I find out about WEB 2.0? What can it do for me? What can it do for my business?
If YOU are asking yourself any of these questions, today you can discover WEB 2.0 for yourself. I am new to WEB 2.0. Let me point you to a powerful website that will give you a lot of WEB 2.0 links so you can discover what each one has to offer you.
This is a colourful and useful WEB 2.0 directory to get you interested! See what these websites have to offer. My favourite WEB 2.0 site is here:-
Here you can in effect, summarise your URL's activities: daily or weekly as you wish. One thing is for sure, WEB 2.0 is here to stay, although I am sure it will develop, and it is about to make the greatest impact on our concept of working online. If you are not currently enjoying the benefits of WEB 2.0, get with it! Register at http://www.tumblr.com/
And post regularly about your URL activities, in other words, what is new at your blog or website? WEB 2.0 is interactive. It has its foundations in the old billboards, in newsgroups, in forums: it is the natural progression of geek internet. But it truly has something crucial to offer every blogger and webmaster. Because Google loves http://www.tumblr.com/
Google happily picks up on your posts there and uses the information its search engine crawlers gather about your site to position you higher up its search engine rankings. You harness the power of clever linking: be seen to link with high traffic volume websites, post on WEB 2.0 sites Google loves to trawl. My recommendation is, any type of blogging, article writing or WEB 2.0 posting is time intensive, so check what the search engines think of the WEB 2.0 site before you post: is it friendly? Will it help or hinder you in your quest?
You can post pictures, bio, synopsis, press release, articles, text, stories, video, links, the possibilities are endless. WEB 2.0 is interactive internet. You post, others find you. But best of all, like at http://www.tumblr.com/, Google rates you on account of the quality of your content in relationship to its keyword tags. It's FREE. Start today. You'll be delighted to see your URL make its mark. And increased traffic (visitor numbers) to your site can only spell more sales and more profits. Because marketing on the internet is a numbers game. And how! With huge traffic there is no limit to what you can offer. Get your traffic, then service it! Get a high volume of targeted visitors to your URL daily then discover what they want, produce that, and sell them!
Build yourself a market then supply to that hungry market! The key to all search engine optimization is content quality and relevance to keywords. Why bother with any of this? Because the visitors who come to you from Google and other search engines is the top quality targeted prospect/potential buyers you can ever find. WEB 2.0 not only increases your traffic, it is highly targeted to your keywords! This puts Google Ad Words out in the chill! Get with it now!
When you want something online, do you search in Google or a search engine first? Do you click on the top 10, maybe 20 links? Why do you think people pay huge bids for pay-per-click advertising? Because they want their URL to be seen up with the top ranking websites for certain keywords or popular key phrases. But what if they did the homework and already projected themselves up into the top rankings? Wouldn't that save a lot of money? So plug into WEB 2.0 today.
WEB 2.0 is fun, FREE, quick, easy, methodical, and will boost your ranking and therefore your traffic volume daily. More people to your website = more prospects, more leads, more sales, more joint venture, more profits for your online business. Yes, you really can SEO for FREE!
If you want to know more about this fascinating new topic and truly vamp up your traffic volume in a very short time I very highly recommend Chris Freville's exciting inexpensive package: here is a guy who has done his homework and can grip your attention!
Click Here to Discover the POWER of WEB 2.0 for YOURSELF today! Set up YOUR own Traffic Stampede and grow YOUR Online Business Exponentially for Very Low Cost! At Last YOU Can Make YOUR Mark Online & Compete With Established Names! Click To Find Out How NOW!
I hope this article at zowoco.blogspot.com opens your eyes today to the huge UNTAPPED potential of WEB 2.0 to grow your online business. Please follow my links to discover more for yourself.
Cheers, Louise passion8success.com
Chris Freville,
joint venture,
online business,
pay per click advertising,
WEB 2.0
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